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Health Services

Little Falls Community Schools Health Services aims to promote a healthy environment to support student well-being. Health staff at each school provide a collection of services including First Aid and Illness Management, Medication Management, Screenings (Vision, Hearing, Scoliosis), Immunization Management, and Individualized Health Plans.

Health Form

A confidential health form is to be completed annually for ALL students entering grades pre-K through 12. Please submit your child’s health form to their school. If your child has a critical health condition, an individualized health plan (IHP) may be created by the district nurse to acknowledge and plan for your child’s health condition.

Confidential Health Form

First Aid and Illness Management

If your child stays home ill, please call their school daily to report their absence. If your child becomes ill during the school day, they should be assessed by Nursing Services and may be required to be sent home.

Medication Management

Preschool and Elementary

A prescription medication authorization form must be completed for ANY medication to be administered at school (this includes over-the-counter medications). This form is completed and signed by both the student’s health care provider and parent/guardian and is valid for the current school year. 

Prescription Medication Authorization Form


Vision and Hearing screenings are conducted each year for grade levels as follows. Scoliosis screenings are conducted only upon request. All screenings are available to any student upon request.

Vision: Grades K-5
Hearing: Grades K-3, 5
Scoliosis: Upon Request

Immunization Management

Please provide your child’s school with an updated immunization record annually and when your child receives a new immunization. The state of Minnesota requires all students to be up to date on their immunizations or provide proof of exemption due to medical reasons or parent/guardian’s belief. For more information on immunization requirements, please see the Minnesota Department of Health’s website.

Immunization/Exemption Form

Individualized Health Plans

If your child has a critical health condition, an individualized health plan (IHP) may be created by nursing services to acknowledge and plan for your child’s health condition. Please contact the district nurse if you think your child may benefit from an IHP. Students diagnosed with severe allergies (anaphylaxis), seizure disorder, or asthma may require an “action plan” to be completed by their healthcare provider. Completed action plans should be returned to your child’s school health office and updated annually. 


Health Office

Amanda Szczodroski

Amanda Szczodroski


Guidelines for Keeping Your Child Home from School

Parents often wonder whether or not they should send their child to school when they have a mild illness. Below you will find guidelines for keeping your child home due to illness. Please call your child’s school daily to report their absences.

  • Fever of 100°F or greater
    • They should stay home until 24 hours after their temperature has returned to normal (without the use of fever-reducing medications).
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
    • They should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
  • Rash that might be disease related or unknown cause
    • Check with your health care provider before sending student to school.
  • On antibiotics for any reason
    • Keep them at home until they’ve had a full 24 hours of medication.
  • Symptoms of severe illness such as: unusual fatigue, uncontrolled cough, difficulty breathing.
  • Any illness in which your child is unable to participate and function properly in school.

If your child is ill, please call the school DAILY to report the illness. If you have any questions about these guidelines, feel welcomed to contact your family physician or your school health office.

Return to School

See below for table of common childhood illnesses and a quick glance at when they can return to school.


Student Should Stay Home

Pink Eye

No exclusion unless child has a fever or is unable to participate in routine activities

Influenza (Flu)

Until 24 hours without fever and well enough to participate in routine activities


Until well enough to participate in routine activities; Physician authorization for sports participation

Chicken Pox

Until all blisters have dried into scabs, usually 6 days after the rash began

Head Lice

Treatment is recommended before returning to school


Until treatment has been started


Until 24 hours after treatment began and sores are drying or improving

Strep Throat

Until 12 hours after starting antibiotic treatment and without fever for 24 hours
Covid 19 Until 24 hours without fever and well enough to participate in routine activities
In the event of an outbreak, these guidelines may change.